I remember the Northridge earthquake back in 1994, which also occurred early in the morning, 4:30am, close to the time the earth shook Los Angeles this morning. Back then, tv and radio news stations were buzzing with information about serious damages in many parts of the city. Copcar and firetruck sirens were all over the city. Fortunately, the apartment building I was living in back then was spared of any serious damages; and it was an old building. I was amazed about that building, because that earthquake registered 6.7 on the Richter scale. Generally though, I feel worried about what might happen, when the 'Big One' arrives. But this worry can almost be stuffed under the fantasy department, because this worry does not give me any serious nervousness.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Earthquake Los Angeles (March 16, 2010) - Some Thoughts.
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4.4 Richter Scale,
6.7 Tremor,
Los Angeles,
Los Angeles Earthquake,
Northridge Earthquake 1994