This is a reaction to a recent LATimes story.
When Conan O'Brien recently left NBC's late-night spot - giving it back to Jay Leno - Conan is prevented from appearing on television until September this year. Conan's short disappearance on-air gives back competition for audience percentages to Jay Leno and David Letterman. This means Leno is given time to regain back or re-establish new followers and fan-base.
But the idea of Conan O'Brien having a Fox TV late-night show is not a bad idea at all. I think it's a great idea. In many ways, Conan's act, before replacing Leno briefly and softening his one-liners for an 11:30pm audience, leaned more on being Fox TV material, a bit edgy, somewhat colorful, and highly imaginative. The 12:35am Conan O'Brien on NBC that was still based in New York was suited for a Fox audience, because it catered for a younger set, a bit nerdy, and, I'd like to assume, tech-savvy social-networkers whose list of language skills include HTML and Javacript, those who can easily revise any default MySpace or Blogger profile-template.
Many think that since Fox leans towards the right and Conan he left, having Conan in Fox would not be good. But Conan would fit right in Fox, under Rupert Murdoch who, I think likes to lean towards whichever or whoever delivers revenues. When Murdoch bought MySpace, its young and tech-savvy users or social-networkers looked like something the right might not like. But Murdoch's purchase has been lucrative, indeed. In 2005, he bought MySpace for $580 million; in 2008, the site's revenues moved towards $800 million. Fox should try Conan out.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
When Conan O'Brien recently left NBC's late-night spot - giving it back to Jay Leno - Conan is prevented from appearing on television until September this year. Conan's short disappearance on-air gives back competition for audience percentages to Jay Leno and David Letterman. This means Leno is given time to regain back or re-establish new followers and fan-base.
But the idea of Conan O'Brien having a Fox TV late-night show is not a bad idea at all. I think it's a great idea. In many ways, Conan's act, before replacing Leno briefly and softening his one-liners for an 11:30pm audience, leaned more on being Fox TV material, a bit edgy, somewhat colorful, and highly imaginative. The 12:35am Conan O'Brien on NBC that was still based in New York was suited for a Fox audience, because it catered for a younger set, a bit nerdy, and, I'd like to assume, tech-savvy social-networkers whose list of language skills include HTML and Javacript, those who can easily revise any default MySpace or Blogger profile-template.
Many think that since Fox leans towards the right and Conan he left, having Conan in Fox would not be good. But Conan would fit right in Fox, under Rupert Murdoch who, I think likes to lean towards whichever or whoever delivers revenues. When Murdoch bought MySpace, its young and tech-savvy users or social-networkers looked like something the right might not like. But Murdoch's purchase has been lucrative, indeed. In 2005, he bought MySpace for $580 million; in 2008, the site's revenues moved towards $800 million. Fox should try Conan out.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!